Petpet Park Closed

Petpet Park Closed

You guys might not know me but my name is matt and i havent been on petpetpark for a yearcuz it got annoying to me. And noo none of you guys know me on petpetpark but onlyjakestar cuz i already met him on petpet park. Also i met starry (or its me star)strawberrypopie,and fireofcuteness.You might see me there so say hi and my name is mattmaster. Jake is starting to be a goodfriend on petpet park and i hope his friends are good to. Hope i can meet some of you.Bye. Posted: oct 16, 2012 7:17 pm. Ok first of all cave we know that's u all those comments above and second the one thatsays teh real damn trixy is.

6,351 likes 5 talking about this. Come and explore Petpet Park. See you there!

fake cuz trixy doesnt know a. about you.

The onethat says the real trixy is real cuz she told me she typed that u guys dont even talk toher and you damn. cave sister you not trixy's best.

friend (your not evenreal your cave) so just stop the drama even if you think im jake (which im not but wtvlike your damn. will listen) your not marring trixy you just wanna marry her but guesswhat never ever ever gonna happen:)! Your the. one framing her so you must becalling your self a. and all the other stuff u said (which is true) anyways trixysaid she quit so how are ya gonna marry another?

Trixy never comes on cuz im her pal(which your not her pal. ) and ill totally stop txting these 'damn comments' when or die in a hole. So stop framing her you. If u wanna marry her, why not askher?

Oh wait u can't cuz ya nevea talk!!! Stop the. drama i thought wedealed with u just stop your nonsense p.s. You dont have a sister so you think im lying about having jake as a brother howabout look at yourself lying. Posted: oct 19, 2012 2:19 pm. No what im done i don't care no one even gets on here so no one can see you nonsensebullshit. Keep dreaming of being trixy's bf or wtv.

Its nevea gonna have u just live inyour own lil fantasy land:333. Say all you want no one is gonna listen i mean who evencares that u think your getting married to trixy. So bye and i hope u get your help when ugrow up so u can not think fantasy think in the real world. Not like your actaullywith her for your life. Find a real gf. Keep framing trixy i don't. Supermarket mania 2 free download. care.

No onewill believe u though. And im done with this website (not petpet park ^^) so yeah bye. get a life!!!fireofcuteness Posted: oct 19, 2012 2:25 pm. Fireofcuteness has been a total disruption to this site.

Which is why me (i am the personwho asked the? At the beginning which is 'how can i get free nc') which is why i havesent email to petpet park saying that she has been cussing, framing, hurting, and abusingboth petpet park and this site. I have given petpet park what the username (whish her useris rockthisparty121212) and her name is. I have also issued the cops about this because iactually do know fireofcuteness's real full name.

This is what i told petpet park what shewas doing:1. Cussing- she has been cussing anything she could. And was being way too violent aboutit.2.

Framing- she has framed a lot of people. Such as trixytricks123, itismestar,xalexx, cupman, and much more. The framer of both petpet park and this site has beencaught.3. Hurting- she has hurt people mentally and physically.

She would hurt by being mean toinnocent petpet park residents and cheats guru residents.4. Abusing- fireofcuteness abused by pretending to be a boy petpet name jakestar. And bysaying he was her brother she raped trixytricks123.Fireofcuteness better leave so life can restore back to its natural base. Posted: oct 19, 2012 3:17 pm. I dont frame. I dont do that. Just leave me alone!!:( i haven'tdone anything you have done something to me just leave me alone i dont care if you thinkim jake just leave me alone!!!

Im really mad and yes i am thinking of quitting.I dont frame. I dont frame. Your wrong!!! Just leave me alone. Why would i betrixy? Why be all those people?

Just leave me alone!!! Your soo annoying ididn't do anything d. Leave me alone.

Your just sooo annoying leave me alone. Die in a hole!!! You happpyyy!!!

Leavemealone now ok!!! Love, you know whooo!!! Posted: oct 19, 2012 9:32 pm. Ok, so i have a member account and i like it a lot.

I will be willing to give it away ifsomeone will trade accounts with me.i just like using other accounts i promise i won'tchange the pass word or nothing. So, please!!! If anyone has a account they don't mindgiving away please give the pass and user to me. And then i will give my, and like i sadishe is a member almost on level forty thx. Oh, and btw, i some on here is giving theiraccount away named red heart i was talking about your account!!! Again Posted: oct 20, 2012 3:19 pm.

Pretty soon, (and i don't know but probably this weekend. ) i am going to have a lot of ncaccounts made! Girls, boys, oukins, pinixies, with nc! The best thing is they're free.Just tell me what kind you want.

Example: i would like a green kassegat. Name:greenlolypops123 user: greenyloly123I make the account myself with nc items, nc, a certain name, and a personality! If youwant that kind then i will display the accounts i made, what items they have, their level,(which will be higher then 1. ) its name, personality, what it looks like and is, and howmuch nc it has left.

Then you'll have to reply to me and say which you'd like. Thensomehow (probably email) i'll contact you and give the pass. Other accounts that are justfree giveaways, i'll post with the pass.

Please reply to me and get your bff made! I willbe open to give you account on saturday. Posted: oct 25, 2012 4:19 pm. I have 2 more accounts willing to be givin!

I have a boy named maxrox (allcapitals) and yes sadly, its a newb. But it has a neat vampire outfit with wings andeverything! This is not an open account so if you want it, tell me and i'll give it toyou. I also have another boy, not a newb. It does have a lot of items though.

Lots ofclothes. It has 50 nc left and is wave colored. His name is zane and if you'd likehim, he's also not an open account so tell me if you want him! Remember all my accountsare 100% free and i hope you enjoy them!!!ppp account giver Posted: oct 25, 2012 8:27 pm. More accounts to claim on the way! First one: jakeboii.

It is not an openaccount. Its a boy and it has 50 nc left. Second one: drymepicness.

He is a drym boy. Healso has hair and 25 nc left. He also has $$$! The third one: hauntedcandy. She has 150nc and also has $$$!

When you buy stuff for her, you should get candy items and halloweenitems because she loves them! Oh and a little extra note- the longer that no one claimsthe petpet, the more i get to add items+level it up more+get more $$$ for it!

Dont forgetto email me if you want an account. My email: (ppp, the f onfree, and the a on accounts are all capitalized! ) i will get back to you asap.ppp account giver Posted: oct 26, 2012 8:15 pm. First of all no one is spreading rumors, and second of all, everyone knows that trixy andcave aren't married.

And if you say it's jake (i don't really think he is real but i kindado), stop blaming people no one is doing anything. Your just starting some drama andthat's the last thing we want on petpetpark. And cave, you don't have a sister. That'spretty easy to point out. So just stop being jealous of jake (if he is real) but you canlove trixy like wtv i dont really care! Just stop with the drama.

And even if they arespreading rumors, don't be blaming it on people cuz you don't even know for sure its them.So please just get out cave (and his sister that does not exist) Posted: nov 03, 2012 8:10 am. Hey it's fire and im done on this website. So have fun cave saying. about how you wanttrixy so bad and how much you hate people. I don't care. I really don't. So im done onthis website, but don't you made me quit petpetpark, never happening.

So yeah don't worryabout me ill never be on this website again. So have fun cave this is your website now cuzno one is here really but you and petpet park accounts giving out. So have soo much funand i hope you get the help you need. Bye forever on this sitefireofcuteness (if you think im real) Posted: nov 04, 2012 2:28 pm. Wooo im toootallly jake. Too bad i not real though!!


If i were reaaal. 'then i wouldntbe homy and hurras fire (aka who i rly am) i wouldnt be with damn trixy cuz i can nameabout 190096432 girls that are waaay better then trixy. Even as hole boo is better and boois almost like trixys twin.

Shes wtuck up causes drama is a brat and bich and damn whenshe walks in the room she always like 'like heeey' wooow u such a bich trixy and boo. Oyea star (aka itismestar) is also trixy twin even though star hates her.

Stars such adik and if she comments, i gonna frame dat bich & i gonna call cops! Die in a hole startrixy wnd boo!! So yea i jake star and if yo disagree well ur just trixy star boo or fire(which again i fire) peace and dont forget to try and freeze meh mah user is: hmm121212(which is seriously a dumb username. ) Posted: nov 16, 2012 5:21 pm. Fire maybe u should stop. and start shutting up!!:) cuz 1. I do.

have asister her name rainbow on ppp. Trixy is. real too! Stopbicthen for no reason 5. The person who is saying they are 'trixy' needs to stop cuz theyjust being bicth (and yes i talking about the person who started with 'the real trixy' )which something tells me the framer is itismestar or u cuz u jealous and for some:reason u rllly want me!! U had ur chance to be friends w/ meh tell ya lied.

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Justinbeiber suuuccckkkss 7. Stay away from me, mah trixy and mah sis. Posted: nov 16, 2012 8:26 pm.

Petpet Park had been set to closing down it's doors for Jumpstart since September 18th 2014. Since it's bought by Jumpstart, Petpet Park is shutting down it's doors! (well i heard Jumpstart doesn't directly bought Petpet Park but still this is a bit disturbing somehow.)And i heard my friend just contacted Neopets/Jumpstart (TNT) to reopen Petpet Park, but they can't except if we have many supporters and players who want it back on social medias.

Which is WHY I MADE THIS PETITION! Let's Make the petition reach the GOALLLLL!! I think 10k signs/supports would make TNT (The Neopets Team)/Jumpstart change their mind and reopen petpet park.-NB.UPDATED.: Attention to Everyone and To all of the signers of this petition!Thanks for all of your support and signatures to get petpet park back.

Unfortunately, Petpet park's domain has been set to sold out (a.k.a EXPIRED). So, this game has 0% chance to comeback.I'm truly sorry everyone, my friends and i have already did our best to contact TNT (The Neopets Team). But, TNT didn't respond to our voice. As what i said, Petpet park has been removed from Jumpstart's Game List.So, for the first and the last time of this petition begins.

Thank You Very Much Everyone! I will always appreciate your supports:').

Now you all can go on another game such as Neopets, Animal Jam, Poptropica or even Moshi Monsters or maybe go play other cool games in app store/playstore/amazon.Let's MOVE ON from Petpet Park Everyone!- § -NB.LAST UPDATE.:Oh wait, did i just say MOVE ON? Oopsies my bad. I just wanna say.WE STILL HAVE HOPES TO RETRIEVE OUR PARK!BUT NOT TROUGH SIGNING THIS PETITION ANYMORE. So we're doing the small project little by little and WE NEED YOUR HELP to get old caches and miscelanious files of petpet park from your old computer/browser datas. And also some youtube videos of exploring access zones.

Many of you knew it as Petpet Project/Petpet Park Rewritten. To donate some files, you can visit the petpet project discord. I'll try to send the link if you insisted to help ^^direct message me trough email: or you can search the discord server on Petpet Project's FB page.Once we got enough of the remaining miscelanious files/screenshots of access zones/color bottle recreation/map progress/old caches games/etc, We'll be happy to announce you our new rewritten park!Sincerely,Cy.

Petpet Park Closed
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