Lords Of The Fallen Review

Lords Of The Fallen Review

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Available on PC (reviewed), PS4, Xbox One. It's practically impossible not to mention Dark Souls when talking about Deck 13's Lords of the.

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To see previous AMAs,. 8.5/10'Lords of the Fallen is a surprisingly solid title that wasn’t even on my radar. While it borrows heavily from the Souls franchise, it’s done well and with its own signature flair. I highly recommend this game to anyone that enjoys that series, and if you haven’t gone down that road before, it might be a more forgiving entry point into the action RPG.' - 7.4/10'Lords of the Fallen delivers entertaining hack-and-slash combat centered on combos and spells, but its risk-based reward system seems slightly out of place in a world where its hero so easily achieves great power and defense and makes risk obsolete. It achieves its goal of creating a more accessible Dark Souls-style experience, but unfortunately it goes a step or two too far.'

- 7.5/10'Lords of the Fallen is a successful twist on an established formula I say almost because, even in the face of near-game-ending bugs, my time with Lords of the Fallen wasn’t ruined. It largely succeeds in both imitation and with its strong variations on the formula.

Lords of the Fallen is derivative; there’s no doubt about that. But it’s also a surprising show of skill and hopefully a sign of much brighter things to come. '- 7/10'If you’re thinking about giving Lords of the Fallen a try, there’s two things you have to ask yourself: do I want to play a Dark Souls inspired game on my current-gen console, and do I want to play a game that’s like Dark Souls, but easier? If you answered yes to either, or both, then you’ll enjoy what’s on offer here. Despite cheap depths and a lack of technical polish for a PS4 and Xbox One game, Lords of the Fallen is an enjoyable romp, and a decent offering by a relatively unknown studio.'

- 7.3/10'In the end, the more straightforward design of Lords of the Fallen puts more focus on combat than building an interesting world. Players may be less likely to get lost, but the game lacks a sense of wonder and isn’t helped by its dull narrative and recycled enemies. Still, the solid mechanics are a step in the right direction. Anyone looking for a diversion until Bloodborne may want to give it a try. '- 7/10'Overall Lords of the Fallen was great fun and challenging enough to keep you entertained.

There is a great deal of potential nestled between the frozen screens and the fidgety camera. With a few changes and bug fixes it could have easily been one of the stars of this year. In fact even with it’s issues I really do hope to see more from the studios. There is so much they have tried to do different and more importantly done well.

I love their take on the reward system and how different the classes can feel and the pace is fantastic. I always found the souls series unforgiving to a point of frustration and at times slow, Lords of the Fallen rectifies this spectacularly. It was just a shame I had to wait until New Game + to fully appreciate the game.' - 3/5'Lords of the Fallen is a strange beast of a game. There are moments of unequaled bliss and joy throughout the game. It’s a shame that these moments are so readily hidden behind towering walls of monotony and infuriating area design.

In all of my time with the game I felt there was something missing which Lords of the Fallen was just waiting to give and make the whole experience worth it. Having finished my first play through and being a fair way through my second, I’m still waiting.' - 7/10'Lords of the Fallen isn’t going to triumph in a direct match-up with Dark Souls, but seeing the Souls combat system and level design transplanted with this degree of success into a shorter, more accessible game is really no bad thing.'

- 78/100'Lords of the Fallen is a decent hack and slash RPG that is worth a look for fans of Dark Souls.' - 7/10'If you’re looking for a challenging, new action RPG, that borrows concepts from other successful fantasy studios while producing something new – it's certainly worthwhile to give it a look. Take the training wheels off Harkyn, die a bunch of times to horrific monsters, and embark on a familiar yet new adventure.' - 8/10'Superficially, you could call Lords of the Fallen a Souls game for the meek and the uninitiated. But it earns more respect than such a flippant description. Lords of the Fallen isn't about the game that it isn't, but the game that it is.

It's about the ghoulish blacksmith, his glowing eyes, and the long tufts of stiff hair that rise from his scalp. It's about the crunches of iron against bone when your hammer finds its mark.

Mino monsters offline apk. It's about taking in new sights and sounds, and about finding new ways to travel to old ones. It's about that suspended bridge, the monuments that guard it, and the creatures waiting within. Harkyn may have no use for these places, but there are riches inside nonetheless.' - 84/100'Lords of the Fallen is the first true attempt from a Western developer to imitate and improve upon the formula established by From Software, and it's a mighty successful one.

Though not without its shortcomings, the game fully delivers on its basic premise and it lays the groundwork for more games in the IP. Specific DLC plans haven't been announced yet, but with the game being well received it would be a shame not to give us more of Harkyn while the bulk of the team works on the inevitable sequel.' - 7/10'I just wish it wasn't so happy to sit in another game's shadow, and made more of the few fresh mechanisms that might distinguish it and move the genre forwards. Instead, it hews so closely to a proven template that it's basically a pretty good action-adventure by default. Yet as the game clock ticked towards 20 hours and beyond, I could never quite shake the feeling that I'd still rather be failing in Dark Souls than succeeding in Lords of the Fallen.' .Will be adding more as they come out.

Lords Of The Fallen Review
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