Arrangement of sounds in various durations. The pattern of musical material (How to tell the differenc b/w waltz and symphony) Expression. Elements used to interpret or express the music. 1), timbre (Section 2.1.1), and texture (Section 3.1) are the essential aspects of a musical performance. They are often called the basic elements of music.
Elements of MusicDefinitions and ExamplesDynamics: Volume; The music degree of loudness or softness.Soft ( piano, p ); Loud ( forte, f ); Medium Soft ( mezzopiano, mp );Medium Loud ( mezzoforte; mf ); Very Soft ( pianissimo, pp ); Very Loud ( fortissimo, ff );Gradually get louder = Crescendo ( cresc., )Duration: Rhythm; The time that a sound (note) or silence (rest) lasts. Worth; Value;Sound = Whole Note, Half Note, Quarter Note, Eighth Note, Sixteenth NoteSilence = Whole Rest, Half Rest, Quarter Rest, Eighth Rest, Sixteenth RestForm: Structure; The pattern or organization of a musical composition. Design; Shape;AB; ABA; rondo; theme and variations; symphony; suite; opera; cantata; oratorio; sonata; round (circle round); canonMood: Emotion; The feeling or expressiveness of music.Happy; Sad; Excited; Relaxed; Tension; Mysterious; ScaryPitch: Note Head; The location of a note on the staff. A musical sound.High; Low; Middle; Same; Line; SpacePitched Instrument = Violin, Flute, Guitar, PianoNon-pitched (Unpitched) Instruments = Snare Drum, Maracas, Cymbals, Bass DrumStyle: Categories; Genre; Features and characteristics that distinguish different types of music.Rock; Country; Folk; Jazz; Classical; Spirituals; Rap; Hip-HopTempo: Steady Beat; The speed of music. A word meaning “rate of speed”.It tells how fast or slow to perform the music.Fast; Slow; Presto, Allegro; Moderato; Andante; Adagio; LargoAccelerando = gradually getting fasterRitardando = gradually getting slowerTexture: Layering of sound; The way individual parts or voices are put together.Single Part; Different Parts; Simple; Complex; Thick; Thin; Unison; Multiple Parts; Melody; HarmonyTimbre (pronounced: tam-ber): Tone Color; The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from another. Source of sound; Identify the sound; The specific sound of a voice or instrumentSoprano; Alto; Tenor; BassTone Color: Timbre; The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from another.
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Source of sound; Identify the sound; The specific sound of an instrument or voice Cello; Trumpet; Steel Drum; Bassoon.