Dragon Ring Game

Dragon Ring Game

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Disc Two01Disc 2 - Kluke's Ring Making GameWarp Point -. Jibral CourtyardSave Point -. Jibral Courtyard. Jibral EntranceSpells & Items Found -. Bow Tie (Jiro's father).

Shield Earring (soldier in cafe). Water Earring (songstress in cafe). Kluke's Shu/Jiro Rings (ring mini-game). Zola's (huah!) Royal RingEnemies Encountered -. Nothing but your own stinginess- (Skills, Dragons, Forcefields, Nothings, etc.)After looting the banquet and talking to everyone (for items), speak to Zola (huah!) and bring the game to disc 2. The save on the black screen starts off with a movie with King Jibral talking ill of Nene and how his bloody carcass was not found among the robot dead.Some people in the city of Jibral are not in their usual place (when you come back ad naseum on disc 3) allowing you to get to some boxes, barrels, and objects that have 'nothings', gold, and items in them. Use this chance now to grab them, or you're screwed.Don't forget to speak to various townsfolk for items and other crap for being smart enough to come up with a plan, stupid enough to carry it out, and lucky enough to survive it and become a hero.

The people to talk to in Jibral (before staying overnight at the inn) are. Jiro's Father (at the castle bridge). Soldier in the Cafe Jibral.

Singer in the Cafe Jibral. Portrait seller on the street.

The legacy of the critically acclaimed Giant games, already continued by the successful 'Train Giant“, highlights now the popular theme Agriculture up to a new level in “Farming Giant”, presented by UIG. In the best tradition of the giants-series. Farming giant game. A huge game world, a variety of production processes and trade opportunities and various game modes as well as achievements provide long-lasting fun. Furthermore the agricultural giant impresses with wide range of management options (from seed to distribution - the players takes decisions by himself) and an extensive fleet of vehicles.

Flower girl on the street. Hot chick in the spell/accessory shop. Real estate guy in the house for rent (plaza).

DeeVee vase-maker (plaza)After talking to all the people listed above, save the game and then stay at the inn. Another save for the ring making game will be available.Jiro and Shu will attempt to make a ring for Kluke. Note you only need one good ring, but take the opportunity to max out as many of the stats as possible.

While it is not mandatory you win, you should keep in mind the A.I. Jiro will try to do the same (max out as many meters as possible).You might think this is a contest, but it isn't. Focus on buying the crappiest (or best) stones and make one good ring. Since the A.I. Always does its best to win, it's easier to buy the worst stones and let the A.I.

Make the best ring for Kluke. There is no 'I' in 'team'.Regardless if you can make a better ring or not, the ultimate goal is to make the most powerful ring as possible to make Kluke a bad ass magician (magic attack 150 or more, with attack and defence bonuses). Once you're finished with the ring, end the game to move on.After leaving Jibral, your goal is to head north to the Laser Fields. However, there is a small side quest to do in Alumaru (Gorgo) Village to the south. That being done will allow your party to start warping (briefly).Since Zola (huah!) is still fresh out of SP, take the next three hours of your life and devote it to increasing her class' ranks.

The closer you get to rank 30, the better off you'll be later.

Ring, legendary (requires attunement)This ring is made of a pure black metal and is in the form of a dragon eating its own tail, with ruby eyes. On the inside of the ring is an inscription that reads:“Speak thine dragons true name.”A legendary knight forged this ring in the breath of every type of dragon. He soon discovered that in the heat of battle, he could summon dragons to his aid. He lived for hundreds of years and fought in countless battles. One fateful day, the knight angered a lich. Later that year, the lich and a shadow dragon attacked the knight.

The lich was destroyed in the battle, but not before dealing the knight a mortal wound. The knight summoned a golden dragon with his last breath, and the dragon healed him. The lich's shadow dragon was taken by the ring's beauty, and in this moment of hesitation, the knight struck. When the knight struck with what would have been a killing blow, an unearthly scream rent the air. A vortex formed, sucking the shadow dragon into the ring. Throughout the next few months, the knight heard voices at night that slowly and inexorably drew him into madness. He attempted to destroy the ring, knowing that it was the cause of his madness.

However, this attempt failed, and he died. His ring then became lost to the ages.Dragon Consort.


You gain a +3 bonus to all checks when interacting with dragons. While wearing this item, you can also speak Draconic.Black Wings. You can summon leathery black wings for 10 minutes, granting you a flying speed of 45 feet for the duration of the wings. This item regain use of this effect at dawn.Black Breath. You can, as an action, use unleash dark breath in a 50 foot cone. All creatures hit must make a DC 18 saving throw to take half damage.

The item regain use of this effect at dawn.Curse.If the creature wearing the ring falls below 5hp, they must make a DC 18 saving throw, or be possessed by the shadow dragon.Possession: You gain 200, and are forced to attack any creature in your sight that is not of the chaotic evil alignment. This possession lasts 1 year, after which you die, and the shadow dragon is released.Appearence while possesed: You appear to be enveloped in a shadowy cloak, with dark wings extending from your back. You gain the effects of the Black Wings permanently while you are possessed by the shadow dragon.Actions While Possessed: You must make take the attack action against any creature within sight of you that is not of the chaotic evil alignment, or use your spells to the best of your abilities to kill others.Ending Possession: Once a month, you can attempt a DC 19 saving throw. On a success, you are returned to your original health and all effects of possession end.

Then, the ring loses all abilities for 100 years. Alternatively, a 8th level spell or better can be used to end possession.Back to → →.

Dragon Ring Game
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