Seiken Densetsu 3 Guide

Seiken Densetsu 3 Guide

Seiken Densetsu 3 BossesThe bosses encountered in Seiken Densetsu 3 are much more difficult than the ones in Secret of Mana. There are not as many, but they are very strong.

My name is Koren and you will find me with the name 'TheREALKoren' on the GameFAQs Seiken Densetsu 3 messageboard. I decided to make this guide after looking for one on the board and one was not available, so here it is. This is the alpha version of the guide, so feel free to email me at to suggest updates. The strategy and data, etc. Are very comprehensible. Platform: Super Nintendo, SNES. There are a lot of color pages and illustration in this book. This book is a.

Instead of just using magic to beat them, you will have to use your weapons and strategy to defeat them. Early BossesImageNameDescriptionFull Metal HaggerCave of WaterfallsDragon's HoleDark CastleLevel 4, Level 47, Level 45HP: 1500, 17175, 16430MP: 88, 390, 366EXP: 24, 5970, 5298Luc: 441, 5411, 5170Weakness: DarknessSpecial attacks: Eye Beam, Dive Attack, Bubble BreathMagic attacks: Holy Ball, Heal LightConcentrate on hitting the eyes of the beast, but watch your HP as his physical attacks can be painful. His Bubble Breath attack is dangerous, so watch out. Each eye has about 750 HP, but it shouldn't take too long to beat.Machine GolemsCleft of the EarthSub-Zero SnowfieldLevel 4, Level 18HP: 605 (each), 1024 (each)MP: 73 (each), 49 (each)EXP: 16 (each), 216 (each)Luc: 118, 533Weakness: WindSpecial attacks: Rocket Punch, Drill MissileThey'll attack you on a bridge, so you won't have much room to move around in. Try to stay clear as they like to use punch attacks, and keep your HP high.

Once you beat them, the remaining one will explode and destroy the bridge.Jewel EaterDwarf TunnelDragon's HoleLevel 6, Level 46HP: 3380, 25260MP: 96, 378EXP: 48, 7504Luc: 879, 7054Weakness: WindSpecial attacks: Power Punch, Grand SlamMagic attacks: Diamond Missle, Earthquake, Speed Down, Protect UpMake sure you are at a high level when fighting this boss. Attack the face with weapons, but watch out for his Power Punch attack, as it is fairly dangerous. Keep healing, and you'll beat it in no time.TzenkerCorridor of WindDragon's HoleDark CastleLevel 10, Level 45, Level 47HP: 1808, 8822, 9950MP: 109, 366, 390EXP: 160, 8830, 9950Luc: 1246, 5860, 6133Weakness: EarthSpecial attacks: Feather NeedleMagic attacks: Air Blast, Thunderstorm, Speed UpEarth Coins and Bulette Scales can help in this battle. Have as many as possible, and then attack it with weapons. Heal often as his attacks can hit all three of your characters.

Use Earth Magic as well if you have it.GenovaWind Kingdom RolanteDark CastleMirage PalaceLevel 12, Level 46, Level 45HP: 3065, 12291, 12019MP: 158, 504, 488EXP: 260, 9380, 8830Luc: 794, 3175, 3102Weakness: WaterSpecial attacks: Melt Wave, Summon GateMagic attacks: Fireball, Power UpThis guy can be tough at times, so make sure you're ready for him. Use weapons, as magic won't do much. The blue enemies around you will keep coming, but your party members should take care of them. Keep attacking the face and heal often.Bill and BenWind Kingdom RolanteDesert of Scorching HeatLevel 12 (each)HP: 900 (each)MP: 158 (each)EXP: 156 (each)Luc: 353Special attacks: Shadow Dive, ShurikenMagic Attacks: Earth Jutsu, Water Jutsu, Thunder Jutsu, Fire JutsuThese Ninjas are very fast and have multiple attacks, so you'll have to heal a lot. They'll use dangerous magic, so be careful and try to keep your distance from them.GorvaGhost ShipMirage PalaceLevel 13, Level 47HP: 3012, 11527MP: 121, 390EXP: 320, 9950Luc: 1625, 6133Weakness: LightSpecial attacks: Ghost RoadMagic attacks: Evil Gate, Black RainUse Holy Ball if you have Angela. If not, just stick to using weapons. Keep HP high as you'll only have two people to fight him with.


Be careful of his magic, and hit him as he comes close.LugarMoonreading TowerLevel 21HP: 3461MP: 160EXP: 1120Luc: 1093Special attacks: Water-Moon Slice, Dead Crush, Bastard Slam, Seiryuu Death Fist, Suzaku Sky DanceMagic attacks: Moon Saber, Energy BallMake sure that your levels are at about 24 as he will use very strong moves that can do about 250 HP damage on your entire group. Do not stop attacking him with weapons, and if you have good weapons, you should knock him out fast.GildervineLampflower ForestMirage PalaceLevel 24, Level 45HP: 8245, 15768MP: 65535, 65535EXP: 1610, 8830Luc: 1971, 3792Special attacks: Spined Kelp, Hammer bean, Pollen JetMagic attacks: Sleep FlowerHis first attacks will be small monsters appearing and he often puts you to sleep, so bring a full supply of Puipui grass.

Ignore the monsters and keep attacking the creature with weapons or strong magic. After taking heavy damage he will become a large monster and begin to use some heavy attacks. Keep attacking him and heal when necessary.The Mana BeastsWhen fighting the Mana Beasts, remember that each one represents an elemental, so the weakness of each one is the opposite of what it is. Earth - Wind, Fire - Water, Moon - Wood, Light - Darkness. I recommend that you have your levels at about 30 when you take on the first Mana Beast.ImageNameDescriptionLand Umber (earth)Gemstone Valley DorianLevel 37HP: 9839MP: 65535EXP: 5180Luc: 7302Weakness: WindSpecial attacks: Hammer Punch, CrashballMagic attacks: Stone Cloud, Diamond Missle, Earthquake, Hypercannon, Protect UpBe careful when fighting this Mana Beast.

He will often grab one of your characters and throw them around the room, heal when this happens as the attack is fairly bad. Attack him with weapons or use wind magic. Be careful of his Hypercannon attack, it's his strongest one and can cause a lot of damage. Keep healing and you should beat him quickly.Dangaard (wind)Mountain ZoneLevel 29HP: 21136MP: 106EXP: 2670Luc: 5666Weakness: EarthSpecial attacks: Air Slasher, Lightning Bolt, ThunderballMagic attacks: Thunderstorm, Air Blast, Speed UpThe problem with Dangaard is that he has a lot of HP, so this battle is going to last a while. The advantage is that the scenery while flying is nice to look at.

Make sure your weapons are as good as possible and attack him when he flies close. If you have earth magic use that when he flies out of reach. Be careful of his attacks as he'll keep using wind magic so heal often.Xan Bie (fire)Valley of FlamesLevel 35HP: 11283MP: 259EXP: 4450Luc: 6891Weakness: WaterSpecial attacks: Gigaburn, Lava Wave, Heat BeamMagic attacks: Explode, Fireball, Blaze Wall, Power UpXan Bie can sometimes become a little confusing, as he consists of three parts. The first part is the dangerous one, its a dragon's head surrounded by fire.

The second part is just a flame at the rear end of the screen that does nothing. Concentrate on the dragon head using weapons or water magic.

He'll use a lot of fire magic. If he uses flame saber on one of your characters cast ice saber or use a stardust herb on them as they'll heal Xan Bie with fire.

Heal often and just hit the head, as when the head goes, the entire beast blows up.Fiegmund (water)Labyrinth of Ice WallsLevel 31HP: 11518MP: 226EXP: 3200Luc: 6037Weakness: FireSpecial attacks: Ice Cradle, IcicleMagic attacks: Cold Blaze, Mega SplashFiegmund will use a lot of ice magic so make sure you have a lot of healing items and puipui grass, as he'll make your characters snowmen. Games guide nintendo. Attack him using weapons or use fire magic. Be careful when he comes up under the ice, you won't be able to hit him with weapons when he does this.

Heal often and you should take him out fast.Dolan (moon)Moonreading TowerLevel 39HP: 13351EXP: 2670Luc: 5579Weakness: WoodSpecial attacks: Howl, Gravitron PressMagic attacks: Spiral Moon, Body Change, Half Vanish, Moon Saber, Energy BallWatch out for his attacks, they can be very dangerous. He likes to swipe at you often which can cause high damage, so you'll have to heal a lot during this battle. Use weapons against him and be careful as one of his attacks can lower your total HP. He has just above 10,000 HP so it might take a while to beat him.Mispolm (wood)Forest of WonderLevel 33HP: 15408MP: 243EXP: 3790Luc: 6481Weakness: WindSpecial attacks: Killstinger, Grenade BombMagic attacks: Posion Bubble, Sleep Flower, Counter Magic, Pumpkin BombThe two pumpkin vines next to him will annoy you as they like to grab one of your characters and bite away at them. Ignore them and concentrate on hitting the main head. He'll use a lot of vine-type attacks, with Killstinger being the worst.

Heal often and use weapons against it, or use wind magic, but be careful as he will probably use Counter Magic (Wall). He shouldn't take too long to beat.Lightgazer (light)Ancient Ruins of LightLevel 40HP: 15225MP: 307EXP: 6400Luc: 7922Weakness: DarknessSpecial attacks: Prisoner, GeyseblastMagic attacks: Saint Beam, Holy Ball, Saint Saber, Heal LightTry to use weapons mostly during this battle. He will often disappear and then reappear in a different position so you'll have time to heal between attacks.

He likes to use Prisoner which moogles your entire party every now and then, so bring a full stock of puipui grass. You can use dark magic against it like evil gate or dark force, but watch out for his attacks as they can do heavy damage.Zable Fahr (darkness)Glass Desert/Cave of Darkness/Jungle of IllusionLevel 46HP: 10714 (left/right: 5413)MP: 378 (left/right: 378)EXP: 9380 (left/right: 0)Luc: 11286 (left/right: 706)Weakness: LightSpecial attacks: Hell Cross, Dark Blazon, Darkness Beam, Great DemonMagic attacks: Dark Force, Evil Gate, Death Spell, AntiMagicFor the first part of the battle you will have to fight the left and right heads. Use weapons or light magic such as saint beam and holy ball. They will often use dark magic and poison you, so bring puipui grass. Once you beat the two heads, the main one will appear and use Regeneration that revives the other two heads.

It will then use Hell Cross which causes heavy damage, so be ready for this attack. This attack will be used often throughout the battle. It will use dark magic all the time, so be careful. Hit the main head and use light magic on it. When it uses Death Spell one of your characters will be knocked unconscious instantly unless they are higher than level 53.

Quickly revive them as it can use this more than once during the battle. Focus on the main head and keep your HP high all the time.Final BossesFrom here on, the final bosses will be different for each scenario depending on the first character you chose in the game. Before you fight the three final bosses, you'll have to fight stronger versions of some of the earlier bosses. On a scale from easiest to hardest, the easiest scenario is Carlie and Kevin's, medium is Duran and Angela and the hardest is Hawk and Lise. In the Mirage Palace you'll have to fight Genova, Gildervine and Gorva again. In the Dragon's Hole, you'll have to fight Full Metal Hagger, Jewel Eater and Tzenker again. In the Dark Castle you'll fight Full Metal Hagger, Genova and Tzenker.

Refer to the earlier guides on how to defeat them. Carlie/KevinImageNameDescriptionDeathjesterJungle of IllusionLevel 44HP: 12606MP: 517EXP: 8310Luc: 1347Magic Attacks: Stun Wind, Blaze Wall, Evil Gate, Stone Cloud, Cold Blaze, Holy Ball, Death RouletteThe Deathjester will make two other copies of himself. You'll have to hit the real one to beat them all. He uses strong attacks against you so make sure your equipment is the highest it can be. They cluster around each other all the time and jump about everywhere, so just try to hit any one of them and you should hit the real one.

If you have Lise on the light side, use Power Up and Protect Up and you shouldn't have any trouble. Your allies might go after the copies, just let them and keep hitting the real one.

Heal often, and you should beat him without much trouble.HeathMirage PalaceLevel 48HP: 11540MP: 272EXP: 10540Luc: 1476Special attacks: Machine Golem, Unicorn Head, Ghost, Ghoul, Great Demon, Gremlin, Freya, Iormungand, Lamian Naga, MardukeMagic Attacks: Saint Beam, Holy Ball, Black Curse, Heal LightHeath will often use summon spells and send in monsters to attack you, so you'll have to be very aware of what your doing. Attack him with weapons or use strong magic. He uses god-summon spells so you should heal straight after he summons them. He'll often heal himself which can be very annoying, so if you have Lise on the light side use Power Up so you can inflict more damage on him. Keep healing and don't stop hitting him until he goes down.Dark Lich(Masked Mage)Mana HolylandLevel 50HP: 49846MP: 635EXP: 11780Luc: 50035Special attacks: Death Ecstasy, KillstingerMagic Attacks: Saint Beam, Poison Bubble, Death Spell, Leaf Saber, Speed Up, Power Up, Protect Up, Dark Force, AncientThis boss is definitely the easiest final boss of the game. He will only use speacial attacks and magic rarely, he just floats around the screen most of the time.

Be careful of his attacks though as they can be dangerous. His Death Ecstasy spell is his strongest, and he also uses Ancient, so be careful and heal often. Use weapons against him and power up spells. The background will change often, this means that he is slowly going down. When the music changes, he's half gone. If your levels are 55 or higher, his Death Spell won't work against you.


Keep hitting him and use strong magic and he'll be gone fairly quickly.Duran/AngelaImageNameDescriptionDarkshine KnightDragon's HoleLevel 44HP: 17132MP: 352EXP: 8310Luc: 1347Special attacks: Whirlwind Sword, Eruption SwordMagic Attacks: Power Up, Protect UpThe Darkshine Knight will not use offensive magic, but his sword swipes can cause massive damage. He can also hit you two or more times each hit so you might go down fast so try and keep your distance from him. Heal constantly and use weapons or strong magic against him.KorenDragon's HoleLevel 48HP: 14718MP: 272EXP: 10540Luc: 1476Magic Attacks: Holy Ball, Saint Beam, Diamond Missle, Earthquake, Fireball, Explode, Ice Smash, Mega Splash, Evil Gate, Dark Force, Air Blast, Thunderstorm, AncientKoren can be very annoying as he never uses any form of physical attacks, he just uses magic.

His spells cause large damage and he can cast new spells straight after each other. Be careful of Ancient, as it is his strongest attack and can cause massive damage. Heal all the time and attack him with weapons, magic won't work unless you have Counter Magic.

Don't stop attacking him until he goes down.Dragon EmperorMana HolylandLevel 50HP: 55551MP: 635EXP: 11780Luc: 50035Special attacks: Turn Wind, Air Slasher, Dragon ShoutMagic Attacks: Ancient, Flare, Explode, Gigaburn, Prisoner, Ice Cradle, Saint Beam, Cold BlazeThis final boss would have to be medium hardest, but don't underestimate his strength, as he is very strong. He'll keep using huge physical attacks that can damage your entire group, so you'll have to heal all the time. He will use Ancient every now and then, so make sure your HP is a maximum all the time. Try to have a high level when fighting him (55 or higher) so that he shouldn't be too hard. Make sure you have the best weapons and armor you can have, and keep attacking him with weapons or use your strongest magic such as Ancient, Rainbow and Double Spell. He'll occasionally fly around the screen, use this time to heal.

When you hear the battle music change, it's the middle of the battle.Lise/HawkImageNameDescriptionJaganCave of Darknessbr /Level 44HP: 15947MP: 517EXP: 8310Luc: 1347Weakness: FireSpecial attacks: Ghost Road, PsychowaveMagic attacks: Evil Gate, Dark Force, Death Spell, Black RainWhen you fight Jagan, he will be accompanied by a Bloody Wolf and Carmilla Queen. Concentrate on beating these two first before Jagan, as they can be very annoying. Jagan can cast Death Spell, so bring a full supply of Angel's Grail. Attack Jagan with weapons or use fire magic, but be careful of his magic and heal often. He shouldn't be too hard to beat.BigieuDark CastleLevel 51HP: 40878MP: 655EXP: 12440Luc: 1572Weakness: FireSpecial attacks: Rose HighclawMagic attacks: Body Change, Moon Saber, Lamian Naga, Energy BallBigieu will become some sort of cat-like monster, and attack you relentlessly. Her largest physical attack is Rose Highclaw, which she uses often so heal a lot.

Use weapons or strong magic against her, but don't use sabers, as they'll heal her. Be careful with magic as some spells will heal her. Make sure your levels are high so that when she uses moon saber it won't do much against you.

Be most careful when she uses Lamian Naga, as this will summon a god and cause massive damage.

Seiken Densetsu 3 Guide
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