Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae focuses on high-speed, arena-based action. Use lightning-fast sword slashes, hand-to-hand attacks, and mysterious. Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae is a story about a demonic blade. The blade has been stolen. You play as Misa, a young samuari where her quest is about getting the blade back. To her surprise, an old co student joins the quest. Trophy wise, the game is straight forward as it can get with no missable trophies.
About Genre Action Rating Rated 'T' for Violence, Blood Summary An independently-produced Japanese game originally revealed at Comic Market 84, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae focuses on high-speed arena-based action. Use lightning fast sword slashes, hand-to-hand attacks and mysterious ancient techniques to defeat wave after wave of demonic foes. Use skill points to learn new skills, upgrade your abilities, and take on brutal bosses.
Weaken your enemies with vicious wounds, then sheathe your sword to finish them off with style. Employ hand-to-hand techniques to build your katana gauge, then cut deep with your divine blade. Xenoblade chronicles 2 poppi.