Gunz The Duel K Style

Gunz The Duel K Style

Dec 05, 2014 Song: Koven & Memtrix - Pessimist. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. GunZ: The Duel 100% FREE TO PLAY! GunZ: The Duel is a widely known free 3D MMO shooter, featuring a third-person view and similar to games such as S4 League.It counts on some unique elements to turn it into an exceptional action game, such as the characters’ freedom of movement – scaling walls, somersaulting through the air and leaping in supernatural ways are just a few examples.

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GunZ The Duel Table of Contents Walkthrough

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Table of Contents

  • Korean-Style Techniques and Other Advanced Techniques

The Korean Style (K-Style) of play is based on the ability to cancel certain basic techniques while holding a sword and upon glitches, and is a form of emergent gameplay. This allows a player to cancel a move into another or allow the player to do movement impossible without the glitch, allowing more advanced techniques to be made. It also is the main gameplay attraction to GunZ, as the original gameplay without cancelling is slow paced and tedious. There are also moves that can be performed by not using sword but still considered K-Style, but technically not (ie multi wall run, this is basically only a cancelling move).

The Korean Style (K-Style) technique in GunZ is defined as a string or combination of basic techniques and movements that cannot be taken apart in order to make two complete advanced techniques. If a single repetition of a technique that contains more than one basic technique has two non silent ground dashes, a Massive Strike, or repeated basic techniques at the end, it also is not considered an advanced technique. Any mentioned combinations of moves is called a 'combo' as opposed to an 'advanced technique' (although all techniques are technically combinations of basic techniques), and should not be added to this list (unless noted as a combo, and if it is not redundant of another technique). Note: any techniques branching off of insta fall are still classified as combos, even if they fill the criteria listed here. See this page for an incomplete list.


In this list, any names by themselves or separated by spaced slashes are common names of the technique; names in parenthesis are alternate names. All techniques beginning with a jump, slash, block or launch assume that you are on the ground when the technique is executed and holding a sword or kodachis, unless otherwise noted. 'Launch' and 'Slash' apply to swords and kodachis. Also, wherever applicable, sword refers to both sword and kodachis.

  • 5Combat Techniques
    • 5.2Melee Only Techniques


Depend on how many cancellings are used in 1 skill, we may divide K-Style into 3 types:

Normal K-Style
Basically the oldest type, which was discovered first and open up the new life of Gunz, but now mostly used by newcomer.
Advanced K-Style
Faster type of K-Style, mostly depend on reload cancelling, mostly used by advanced players or aim-concentrated pros.
Professional K-Style
Fastest type of K-Style, usually freeze animations and may use gravity cancelling, used by move concentrated top players, only few players actually use these skills in combat as it's hard to mastered and used effectively in combat.


Guard Cancelling
At any point during a slash with a sword or kodachis, players may immediately cancel the animation by pressing block.
Switch Cancelling
At any point during a slash in the air with a sword or kodachis, players may immediately cancel the animation by switching weapons.
Slash Cancelling
Wall Interaction At any point during a jump off a wall from either a wall jump or a wall run, players can cancel the locked state, allowing them to fully rotate the camera, switch weapons, and block by slashing with a sword or kodachis.
Dashing: At any point during a dash, players can cancel the locked state, allowing them to fully rotate the camera, switch weapons, block, or dash by slashing with a sword or kodachis.
Reload Cancelling
At any point after shooting a ranged weapon, players may cancel the delay in switching weapons by tapping reload.
Jump Cancelling
At any point before a dash, players may cancel the delay from the previous dash by jumping; this can also apply to dashing while already airborne.
Wall Hang Cancelling
At any point after the end of the animation of a wall run or wall jump, players can cancel the locked state by beginning a wall hang. However, this cancel was actually built into the game intentionally, more or less, as Wall Hang was meant to be used in order to climb walls. But, the wall hang animation will cancel the locked state, regardless if the animation is finished.
Gravity Cancelling
At the top of a jumb or near landing, players may cancel gravity by a slash allowing the time needed for a dash and the following moves, which is known as late dash (for near landing) or blind dash (for peak reaching), used in Pro K-Style combos like DHS or 16th step.

List of techniques usable in actual combat[edit]

  • Jump Dash
  • Flying / Slash Climbing / Wall Cancelling / Wall Slash (use Quick Slash Climb when possible, however)
  • Quick Slash Climb / Flash Climb
  • Wall Spring / Propell
  • Silent Jump
  • Aerial Wallrun / Multi Wall Run
  • Flash Step (use for movement, not damage)
  • Stylish Step (used sparingly)
  • Swapshot
  • Slashshot (used with half step)
  • Half Step/Gear Tap
  • Half Half Step (not recommended as it's slower than Half Step)
  • Eighth Step
  • Wind Step
  • Reload Shot (use with all shoot/switch techniques when possible)
  • Wall Post
  • Quick Slash (use for movement, but use flash step normally)
  • Insta kill and Insta fall (including all possible combos associated with it)
  • Double/Triple Slash (when used correctly)
  • Butterfly
  • Double Butterfly
  • Triple Butterfly
  • All massive/slashing techniques

Movement Techniques[edit]

(Wx2) : Allows for silent movement.
Jump Dash
(JUMP -> DASH): This technique is the basis of all techniques executed in the air.
Flying / Slash Climbing / Wall Canceling
(JUMP -> DASH TO WALL -> JUMP -> SLASH) This technique is a widely used ability, using the glitch to climb walls. Once you begin the slash, press jump. The slash cancels the neutral state of flip in Wall Jumping, allowing full control of the player as he jumps from the wall. It is used to scale extremely high walls at high speeds.
Quick Slash Climb / Flash Climb
(WALL JUMP -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SWITCH TO MELEE) This is a variant of flying. It consists of canceling the wall jump with a slash, then quickly canceling the delay after that slash by the switches. Players are able to repeat this indefinitely. This allows the player to climb much faster than by not canceling the slash.
Wall Spring / Propell
(DASH TOWARDS WALL AT ANGLE -> JUMP -> SLASH -> JUMP) This consists of canceling a wall run right away in order to flip off the wall and gain forward aerial momentum quickly. This move can be done in mid air with an Aerial Wallrun in place of the normal wallrun, and can be chained when two walls are close together. Also, a slash or a dash less Quick Switch may be used as soon as the beginning of the animation of the end of the wall jump starts, allowing the player to continue movement.
Silent Jump
(DASH AND HOLD DIRECTION -> JUMP -> HOLD SPECIAL->ATTACK) This is useful for sneaking up on opponents without making any noise; it may be done with any melee weapon. The dash is omitted after the first iteration of this step, although the direction must be held. (Although you cannot hear your jumps, other players are able to).
Light Step
(JUMP -> SLASH -> DASH) : This technique allows players to move rapidly without making the loud dashing sound.
Multi-Wall Run
(DASH TOWARDS WALL IN MIDAIR AT ANGLE -> JUMPx2) Allows players to execute a wallrun in midair. This is done by canceling the very first frames of a Wall Jump with an attempt to wallrun.
Super Dash
(FALL -> DASH REPEATEDLY) After falling for roughly 1.5 seconds, the avatar's animation will freeze and will be able to dash indefinitely, regardless of what weapon the character is wielding. Effective to reload on a long fall, such as on the wall at the stairs in Dungeon. A female character wielding a rocket launcher will have its animation freeze sooner than with any other weapon.
Gear Taps/Reverse half steps
Gear taps are common variations of any techniques that include (DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH). The difference in Gear Taps is that the dash and the jump are switched. Rather than jump, then dash, then perform the rest of the step, in Gear Taps the dash is performed before the jump. There are all Gear Taps as there are regular steps, IE Half Gear Tap, Half Half Gear Tap, Full Gear Tap, etc.
Flash Step
(JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SWITCH TO MELEE) Gives the player more control over their movement/direction of dash. A variation of the technique is the 'double' flash step, in which the player performs 2 switches in the air, one during 'up' motion of the jump, and one during the 'down' motion of the jump. If performed correctly the player will not make the dashing sound.
(SLASH -> BLOCK AT END OF SLASH ANIMATION) After using this technique, moving will have the character slide around instead of showing a walk animation, and will allow the player to move around while using an emote, and can be repeated by pressing block. If a dash is added, the player will slide quickly in the direction of the dash, but they cannot change their direction unless they cancel the slide by using launch and block, rather than just hitting block by itself. After initiating the slide, players will often begin a dance or a movement taunt and slide freely around the stage.

Combat Techniques[edit]

Gun Techniques[edit]

Swapshot (Streaming)
(SHOOT -> SWITCH TO OTHER GUN -> SHOOT) This technique allows players to consecutively fire two high delay weapons in an alternating fashion, allowing them to output a high amount of damage in a short amount of time. While moving back and forth quickly and using this technique with revolvers, players can negate the 'recoil' effect of the revolvers and shoot accurately repeatedly. A player can combine this with the reload portion of Reload Shot to fire two [shotgun] shots consecutively. It may be done in mid air while falling, while walking, or while wall running. Med Kits and Repair Kits are streamable, although players must use different packs for it to work.
Slashshot (Full Step, SS)
(JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SHOOT) The basis of all gun related quick movement combat within the game, this is one of the first advanced techniques most people learn. It consists of cancelling a mid-air slash immediately into a weapon switch to shoot. It can be repeated by switching back to a sword after execution. A way to learn this technique is instead of attacking twice, once to slash and once to shoot, a player can hold down the slash and fire after the switch delay after the gun is taken out.
Half Step (HS)
(JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> DASH -> SHOOT) One variation on the Slashshot, this allows a player to dash while the gun is out, allowing the player to move while shooting.
Half Half Step (HHS)
(JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> JUMP -> DASH -> SHOOT) This variation of the Half Step has the character land on the ground first and jump before they perform the dash; because of this, the step is faster than the half step.
Reload Shot (RS)
(SHOOT -> TAP RELOAD -> SWITCH TO DIFFERENT WEAPON ->RELOAD ) The core of this technique is pressing reload at the same time as pressing the key to switch to the second weapon AND immediately after shooting the first gun. This technique uses reload cancelling to minimize the delay in weapon switching after shooting, and will work with any weapon that has a long shooting animation. This step may also be combined with any techniques that use a weapon switch from a gun to another weapon. All gun techniques with an 'R' before their acronym refer to a Reload Shot version of that step, where two steps are added after the shot: ( RELOAD -> SWITCH ). Only one step, reload, is added to the step if the step already includes a weapon switch directly after the shot. The R is commonly added to the name of the step by players in-game, although it is inferred that generally when talking about a step, the reload shot is always included.
Wall Post
(JUMP -> DASH TOWARD WALL -> SLASH -> WALLJUMP -> SWITCH TO GUN -> DASH -> SHOOT) A Wall Post is a Half Half Step off of a wall instead of the ground.
Quick Slash (QS) or Flash Step (FS)
(JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SWITCH TO MELEE) This makes a sword attack much shorter by cancelling the full slash animation into the animation of the weapon draw.
Instant kill / Insta kill
(LAUNCH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SHOOT) This technique simply allows players to shoot an enemy mid-air after a launch; shooting multiple times with Swapshot/Reloadshot will increase the damage. In battle, a Massive Strike counter-attack will enable them to perform the Insta-kill more easily. Rifles and other automatic weapons will keep an enemy aloft in the air for some time if hit directly from below and followed properly. With the initial launch, one can cancel the animation, allowing more time to shoot, by tapping block. Because this is often done with shotguns, the amount of damage done in total is so high that very often players can completely kill an opponent through this method, particularly when using higher level guns such as the Avenger series. Players can also continue the combo if they miss; when they land, launch them up again and repeat (very deadly if mastered). As mentioned earlier in the Launch Combo, another variation of this Instakill can be done with automatic weapons.
Quick Slash Butterfly
(JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SWITCH TO MELEE -> BLOCK) This move has the same speed as the regular butterfly, but it has a longer cooldown time. Its speed is not faster than that of the regular butterfly, the only noticeable difference from the regular butterfly, when done quickly enough, is a switch sound effect.
Large Massive
(CHARGE MASSIVE -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SWITCH TO SWORD) This allows a player to appear to have a brighter glowing, larger than normal Massive Strike on their weapon. It does not do more damage and does not have any additional effects, however. The switch to gun and switch to sword must be at the same time so the GunZ client does not detect the gun actually being out and cancels the Massive Strike. The switches can be repeated while charging the Massive Strike, but only one switch at the right time is needed to get a larger than normal Massive Strike.
Gun Massive
(CHARGE MASSIVE -> SWITCH TO GUN) This allows a player to have a Massive Strike while wielding a gun or accessory. Other players cannot see the charged Massive Strike, but you can switch back to sword after using this technique in order to use an invisible Massive Strike. The timing on this technique must be precise; you must switch to another gun as soon as the Massive Strike finishes charging.
Forbidden Step
(JUMP -> SLASH -> SWITCH -> SHOOT -> RELOAD -> SWITCH -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH -> SHOOT -> DASH) This step allows a player to shoot twice in one jump while moving in the second part of the step. Having your gun out before you jump does not count as a Forbidden Step. The first part of the move needs to be a Slash Shot or a Gear Tap.
Pyon Pyon Quickshot (PPQ)
(Dash*-> JUMP -> Slash -> Switch -> Shoot -> Reload* -> Switch -> Dash -> Slash -> Jump -> Switch -> Gun Dash -> Shoot -> Reload -> Shoot -> Switch*) This step allows a player to shoot three times in '1' jump. This move is just like a Forbidden Step, but you (RSHHS) Reload Shot Half Half Step at the end. [The * means optional].
Reload Half Gear Tap (RHGT)
(Dash -> Jump -> Switch -> Shoot -> Reload -> Dash). Can either be a Gun Dash or a Silent Dash after the shot. This step allows a player to use the ground for evasiveness while executing a very fast shot in the air. This step can be considered a Half Step also, but the first dash comes in the beginning. This step is also the first part of (DHS) Double Half Step.
Double Half Step (DHS)
Can also be known as a Double Reload Half Step if using shotguns (Dash -> Jump -> Switch -> Shoot -> Reload -> Dash[silent] -> Dash -> Slash -> Switch -> Shoot -> Reload -> Dash[Gun Dash] -> Switch) Double Half Step is one of the most evasive shooting steps combing 3 dashes within one jump. The main difference between Forbidden Step and DHS is that you dash after your first shot in DHS. This move is easier with all other weapons besides shotgun because you don't have to reload to perform the move.
PPQ (Pyon Pyon QuickShot)
To be continued
PPQ+(Pyon Pyon QuickShot+)
To be continued
Ground Double Half Step (GDHS)
To be continued
Triple Half Step (THS)
To be continued
Double Slash Shot (DSS)
To be continued

Melee Only Techniques[edit]

Double/Triple Slash
(SLASH -> SLASH -> BLOCK) This move is handy as it decreases the overall delay between ground slashes with a sword or kodachi. To execute this move, block right after the 2nd slash ends; only 1 or 2 slash animations should be shown, allowing for greater repeatability. This technique is more effective with a kodachi, as the first two slashes in a ground combo are nearly at the same time. A variant of this move has been seen as well, executed by a single user, originally developing the move with the character 'Stoichskchev', but currently playing a character named 'Zildjan'. The variant, which uses swords instead of kodachis, and that is now called 'bladestorming' by some (based on the Warcraft series), also uses Butterfly bases to disable an opponent gambling on his/her recoil, more than often resulting in a kill while being impervious to gunfire or slashes because of the victim's recoil while attacked. Unsurprisingly, users who endure this are often led to think that the attacker is hacking.
Butterfly (BF or BFly)
(JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> BLOCK) One use of block cancelling, this move allows players to continuously cancel slashes into blocks, giving them very short slash attacks repetitively while allowing them to move forward or dodge side to side. It offers players a chance of blocking bullets or a melee attack, and is effective in both gladiator mode as well as in general combat. This step may also be done without a dash; if it is done without it, partial combinations of other moves can be used in combination to make another technique, such as (JUMP -> SLASH -> BLOCK -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SHOOT) as a combination of Butterfly and Slashshot, although, usually, these are not differentiated from normal butterfly by the second step, unless with Double Butterfly. This is commonly used in repetition between shots because it deals close range damage, allows easy directional changes, and also blocks most of the time.
Double Butterfly / Dan Step (DBFly/DBF)
(JUMP -> SLASH -> BLOCK -> DASH -> SLASH -> BLOCK) This move allows 2 butterflies in one jump, increasing the amount of slashes possible in a shorter amount of time.
Triple Butterfly
(JUMP -> SLASH -> BLOCK -> SLASH -> BLOCK -> SLASH -> BLOCK) This move allows three butterflies in one jump and if done correctly can immobilize opponents with the slashes' hitstun. When viewed in spectator mode or in a replay, the player's animation is frozen. An easy way to do this is to bind right click to block, and alternate from left clicking and right clicking. <--------- for this u must atleast know dbf and you have to be able to jump slash and wall hang in the same jump, (JUMP -> SLASH -> BLOCK ->HOLD FLIP) if u cling to the wall you have done it correctly.
Sword Instant kill / Butterfly Juggle (combo)
(LAUNCH -> SLASH WHILE UNDER ENEMY) After the apex of the sword launch, dash underneath the enemy, using Butterfly or regular slashing to juggle them in midair by hitting under them. In a successful chain, the enemy will be killed without being able to defend. The person being juggled can however slash back. As with other launch techniques, players may block to cancel the initial launch animation, although it is not as useful.
(LAUNCH -> LAUNCH IN MIDAIR ) After launching the enemy, launch them as they're falling in midair. Their animation should freeze, and this can be continued infinitely. Between each launch, a shot is commonly added for damage to the opponent. Also, because the enemy's animation is frozen similarly to when the enemy does not safefall, an automatic Instant kill is possible even if the enemy safefalls.
Instant fall/Insta-Fall
(LAUNCH -> BLOCK -> JUMP -> SLASH) This technique launches the enemy then immediately slashes them in the midair. A block after the slash is optional in order to allow the player to use combos to deal more damage. This technique makes it harder to use the safefall technique after being launched, leaving the enemy vulnerable while laying on the ground, although experienced players can safefall it very often. This is normally followed by a long combo and slash juggling in order to kill the enemy in a fancy way to show off, as only the simplest combo is needed in order to finish a player following a successful Instant-fall.
Void Step
(DASH -> SLASH -> BLOCK) This move allows the player to slash while in place, while displaying dash lines behind them. It is not often used, because the player does not actually move, and a dash in GunZ is not long enough to give a reason for it to be cancelled for a 'fake'. Void Step is not GROUND SLASH -> BLOCK; this is the original use of the name.
Quick Launch
(LAUNCH -> BLOCK) This shortens the delay after using a launch, and is the basis of all launch related techniques. This is considered an advanced technique, although it is not usually used when talking about a technique.
Low Ceiling Sword Launch Combo
(LAUNCH IN LOW CEILING AREA -> SLASH) In areas with low ceilings, players can prevent someone from safefalling when they do a sword or kodachi uppercut by slashing two three times while they are in mid air.
Double Massive
(CHARGE MASSIVE -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SWITCH TO SWORD) While charging a massive, switch to gun and back to sword so quickly that the gun doesn't come out. If it's done when the massive strike is done charging, the glow from it will be slightly larger than normal. (Note: This does not increase the damage for the massive.).
Kodachi Slide
(DASH -> LAUNCH -> BLOCK -> DASH -> LAUNCH -> BLOCK) allows a player to move in one direction while launching; the dash just has to be done before or during the beginning of the launch.

Sword Techniques[edit]

Quick Ground Slash
(SLASH AND HOLD -> RELEASE) This move allows players to slash quicker while on the ground by ending the slash as soon as the Massive Strike charge animation begins. Upon execution, the character will appear to stop mid slash, and can be repeated. This move is often used with kodachis; it gives them a larger delay reduction than with a sword.
Basic angling
(SLASH DOWNWARDS/UPWARDS) Players can prevent oneself from bouncing off someone's block by looking straight down or up while slashing. It will register to the opponent as though they had blocked the attack, but the attacking player may continue to follow up unhindered because the game client will not consider that they have been blocked. This lets the player hit them while the opponent's guard falls due to their game client telling them that they have successfully blocked an attack.

Massive Strike related techniques[edit]

Reverse/Sky/Ground Massive / Glitch Strike
(FACE BACKWARDS/UPWARDS/DOWNWARDS -> MASSIVE STRIKE) Due to the odd collision detection in massive attacks, it is possible to bypass one's guard when executing a Massive Strike. To hit someone who is blocking toward the player, turn away entirely and execute a Massive Strike. To hit someone who is blocking facing upwards, strike while facing upwards. To hit someone who is blocking facing downwards, strike while facing downwards. Executing a massive in midair is another method, and these techniques can be used in conjunction. Sky Massive is also often called Skybreak.
Blocking Massive Attacks
(FACE BACKWARDS/UPWARDS/DOWNWARDS -> BLOCK) Based on the above Reverse Massive, players must predict where and how their opponent will throw their Massive Attack and block accordingly. If the opponent often turns away to hit the player with a Massive Attack, then they should turn away at the same time they do to prevent themself from being hit. If a player's opponent looks down when doing it, they should look up (Sky Block) instead, and vice-versa. The sky block (looking upwards) is considered the best kind of block. This is because it will block any type of massive except the sky massive. It will not always counter the turn away massive though, although the majority of the time it will.

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This guide is meant to describe the current forms of 'K-Style' in GunZ 2: The Second DuelVocabulary:K-Style: Korean Style, a style of play based off of animation canceling glitches from the original GunZ: The Duel game. Butterfly, Double Butterfly, or Half-StepCancel: A cancellation or inhibition of an animation such as slashing a sword or switching weaponsDash: A quick move in any direction (done by double tapping a directional key)!.PLEASE NOTE THAT MOST OF THESE TECHNIQUES ARE DONE USING IVAN, IT IS UNPROVEN WHETHER OR NOT THEY WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH OTHER CLASSES.! !.NOT ALL OF THE LISTED MOVES ARE DISPLAYED IN THE VIDEO.!Current Advanced Moves:. Dash Cancel: Dash Jump (Slash can be added at end)(Do not jump first). Basic Animation Cancel: Block during slashing animation. Light Step: Jump Directional button + Slash. Light Step Dash: Dash Cancel Light Step (Do not press jump).

Double Dash: Dash Cancel Dash. Quick Slash: Double Dash Slash. Reverse Butterfly/Broken Butterfly: Dash Cancel Block Slash. Quick R(Ivan Only): Switch to sword Block ROTHER VIDEOS:EXAMPLE OF SOME THESE K-STYLE TECHNIQUES IN USE.

Gunz The Duel K Style

If i ever catch you saying kstyle and GunZ 2 in the same sentence again, i will beat your normie ass to the floor. Kstyle, along with Gunz is dead. Aeria bought out ijji, MAIET is for korea, so please understand that gunz 2 is filth, GUNZ IS THE PAST. Any private servers for GunZ The Duel are either heavily modded, spyware, or just empty. Dont ever play The Last Duel.

It has trojans that steal passwords. Made by that guy monk and his butt buddy MAIETGames (Rain in the comments) if you want a good private server. Play eagle gunz, freestyle gunz, or hell. Even UGG if youre dying to play a 15 year old game.

Nancy drew: legend of the crystal skull eyeball locations. . NANCY DREW AND THE LEGEND OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL. A word of warning – this walkthrough contains many spoilers, but I have written it out so that the main part contains only the steps I took to solve the game, and a few clues to solve the puzzles, then I put the actual solutions to each puzzle in a section called SPOILERS at the end. Nancy Drew®: Legend of the Crystal Skull. The Search is on for an Unearthly Artifact in New Orleans! Bruno Bolet was the proud owner of the “Whisperer,” a crystal skull rumored to protect its holder from almost any cause of death – except murder. Watch the official trailer for the Nancy Drew adventure game, Legend of the Crystal Skull. Order the game @ Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull Review. As I mentioned before, these can get pretty hairy, ranging from a scavenger hunt through a graveyard, to a Rube-Goldberg machine in a curio. Nancy Drew 17: Legend of the Crystal Skull. By Her Interactive. Walkthrough by MaGtRo October 2007 version 1.1. Gameplay: This point and click game comes in 2 CDs. Nancy will show you the desk in her bedroom. This is where you can access the 'How to be a Detective Book' that shows the game manipulations.

Gunz The Duel K Style
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